Nota - falo apenas nos guitarrista pois considero que somos mais propensos à doença...
O Tone e o GAS
Quem toca toca guitarra busca permanentemente o melhor tom possível.
O tom (doravante designado 'Tone') que desejamos é um reflexo das influências que temos, do som que procuramos e do que ouvimos dentro da nossa cabeça. É um processo em constante mutação.
A juntar a isto temos um fenómeno, leia-se doença, designado GAS. (
O GAS -" The term "GAS" was coined by Walter Becker in 1996 in his article G.A.S. in Guitar Player[1] as "Guitar Acquisition Syndrome". The term started to be frequently used by guitarists and spread out to other people of creative professions who were familiar with similar tendencies. As it no longer concerned guitars only, GAS became a backronym for "Gear Acquisition Syndrome"."
tudo isto apenas para dizer que tenho um amplificador novo :)
Voltando ao GAS, Fiquei aliviado quando reparei que:
"Gear Acquisition Syndrome (sometimes Guitar Acquisition Syndrome, both abbreviated to GAS) is a term used to describe an urge to acquire and accumulate lots of gear. This term commonly associated with:
Guitarists (tend to acquire guitars, guitar amplifiers, pedals, effects processors, etc.)
Keyboard / synth players (keyboards, synthesizers, samplers, effects units, etc.)
Drummers (various types of drums, cymbals, percussion accessories, drumsticks, etc.)
Photographers (cameras, its parts and accessories — bodies, video cameras, lens, mounts, filters, flashes, lighting rigs, etc.)
Audiophiles (high-end preamps, amplifiers, converters, CD players, speakers, etc.)
Clarinetists (clarinets, reeds, barrels, bells, mouthpieces, ligatures, reed cases, etc.)
Saxophonists (saxophones, reeds, mouthpieces, etc.) (The term GAS is widely used on "Sax on the Web")
Table tennis players (blades, rubbers, glue, etc.) (The term "EJ" is often used, "EJ" standing for equipment junkie.) (People may also refer to their "inner EJ" to show how they cannot stop their urge.)"
Considero que os pacientes que sofrem GAS têm na internet o seu maior inimigo. Com a quantidade de informação e de demos de material musical que existe online, acho que até já senti GAS por uma pandeireta.
segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009
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